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Category: 5 Bullet Friday

Hey guys! Welcome back for this week’s installment of 5 Bullet Friday!  Here are the 5 points I’m reading about, listening to, learning, and laughing about this week: 1.  Why Organic Food is Better I never really understood all the hype around organic food. Food is food I thought. An organic carrot has the same […]

5 Bullet Friday! -Mindful Living
5 Bullet Friday! – Secret Time

Hey guys! Welcome back for this week’s installment of 5 Bullet Friday! Here are this week’s 5 tips: 1.  Multi-Vitamin If you guys aren’t taking a daily multi-vitamin, stop reading this email and go to your closest drug store. Multi-vitamins help to make sure our body is getting all the nutrients it needs to function […]

Welcome back to this week’s 5 Bullet Friday!  I have some great stuff for this week so let’s get right to it. 1.  Whoop I got a Whoop Strap this past week and it’s my new favorite health toy/app. You wear the strap on your wrist and it measures a ton of vitals such as […]

5 Bullet Friday! – Get a Whoop
5 Bullet Friday! -Don’t be spooked by success!

Welcome back for this week’s 5 Bullet Friday! I hope everyone’s had a spooky week! Here’s this week’s 5 dollar holler 1.  Take the Stairs by Rory Vaden Rory is going to be our keynote speaker at Keys in Vegas this year. His book “Take the Stairs” walks through the mindset and habits successful people have […]

Welcome back for this week’s 5 Bullet Friday!  Here are 5 things that have helped me grow this week: 1.  Essentialism by Greg McKeown This book was recommended to me by a mentor and it’s been awesome. If you feel like you’re doing too much (I know you do) give this a read. It teaches […]

5 Bullet Friday! – Grow Time
5 Bullet Friday! – The Psychology of Persuasion

Welcome back! I hope everyone’s had a great week! Here are 5 things to ponder this weekend from: 1.  This Could Be Why You’re Depressed or Anxious Awesome Ted Talk by a guy named Johann Hari. I can’t do it justice in a couple of words, check it out.   Photo by Ihor Malytskyi on Unsplash   […]

Welcome back to this week’s 5 Bullet Friday. Here are this week’s 5 points: 1.  It’s natural to be negative We are the descendants of pessimists. All the optimists got eaten by tigers when they wandered out of the village in search of food thinking they’d be fine. Fortunately for us, the imminent threat of danger […]

5 Bullet Friday! – Successful Mindset

Welcome to 5 Bullet Friday! Our Director of Operations, Corey Capone has come up with 5 points that can help any individual with personal and professional development and some are just flat out fun suggestions. Corey started this as just an email he would send to his team each Friday. We as a team have […]

5 Bullet Friday! – Self Awareness