Four Facets Friday: Choose to Be Happy, Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise

We’re back! I’ve decided to start our Friday blog back up again with a small twist, instead of Five Bullet Friday, we’re going to do Four Facets Friday! Four points weekly that focus on the four areas of life we truly value, Happiness, Health, Wealth, and Wisdom. I hope these spark your interest, give you new things to look into for yourself, and provide some practical takeaways for you every week.

Happy-  Choose a life of adventure

When presented with 2 options, always choose the more adventurous, exciting one.  Excitement and adventure are what make life worth living. You could live to be 100 years old, but if you spend those 100 years laid up in bed, would you want that life? As the saying goes, it’s not the years in your life that count, but the life in your years. Take the trip. Try the new restaurant. Meet new people. Choose adventurous and exciting over the mundane, every day.

Healthy-  Hydrate!

75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. One of the first signs of dehydration is fatigue, and what most people do when they’re tired is grab a coffee or an energy drink, which makes them more dehydrated! I start every morning with my homemade mineral water. Add Himalayan sea salt and a quarter of a lemon to water, mix it up, and you’ve got your own homemade Gatorade minus all of the sugar. The next time you’re feeling tired, instead of reaching for the caffeine, get hydrated, you’ll be surprised how often this will get you out of that funk and back to feeling at your best!

Wealthy- “It’s time in the market, not TIMING the market”

Compound interest is the single most important factor in creating long-term wealth. It’s smart to start putting savings, every week, into a long-term savings account as early as possible. The stock market averages a 10% return, year over year, with obvious ups and downs over time. If you put $1,000 into a diversified stock portfolio at 23 years old, by the time you’re 65, that $1,000 will turn into over $50,000. This is how the rich get richer. Figure out your budget, put aside whatever you can, as early as you can, and let compound interest do the work for you.

Wise-  The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday

Ryan Holiday is an awesome author with a ton of great books, The Daily Stoic being one of my favorites. In The Daily Stoic Ryan gives us daily reminders of stoic philosophy for us to ponder and take with us throughout our day. Stoicism is a branch of philosophy that originated in Ancient Greece, with a focus on the development of self-control as a means of overcoming destructive emotions. Ryan has passages for every day of the year, so you can pick this book up jump right to the current date, and follow it through the rest of the year.  I love reading this book every morning before starting my day. The passages are short, typically a page or less, but very potent. If you’re looking for a great morning routine to start your day right, I highly recommend adding this book to it!

Written by fourfacetsadmin
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