Welcome back to this week’s 5 Bullet Friday! I have some great stuff for this week so let’s get right to it.
1. Whoop
I got a Whoop Strap this past week and it’s my new favorite health toy/app. You wear the strap on your wrist and it measures a ton of vitals such as heart rate variability, resting heart rate, calories burned for the day, how much sleep you need each night to fully recover from your workouts, I freaking love this thing. There’s too much to cover in a short paragraph here but the one thing I’ll touch on is the sleep analysis, it’s crazy in depth. Last night I tried to give myself 8 hours to sleep, it can tell I was in bed for 7 hours and 49 minutes, of that time I was awake for 1 hour and 3 minutes, I was in light sleep for 3 hours and 3 minutes, REM sleep for 1 hour and 54 minutes, and Slow Wave Sleep (Deep Sleep) For 1 hour and 49 minutes. It measures all of this stuff using the rhythm of your heartbeat. If you’re looking to get healthy, in my opinion, this is the best tool on the market. Check it out at www.whoop.com

2. Freedom and Fulfillment
These are my goals, the 2 things I work for every day. I work hard to earn money because it in turn creates the freedom to do what I want, when I want, with who I want. The goal isn’t to make enough money to live, it’s to make enough that myself and my family will never have to worry if we can afford to do something we want to do. That’s freedom. Fulfillment however, is something money can’t buy. I get fulfillment from 2 main sources: teaching others and accomplishing goals. Every day I come into my office determined to help others learn through 1 on 1s, leaders meetings, morning meetings, and critical conversations. Having teachers for parents it may be in my blood, but I get tremendous fulfillment from helping others grow to better themselves. The great thing about what we do is that when I come in committed to doing that every day, it fuels my freedom. When it comes to accomplishing goals I like sticking to things that are 100% in my control. Recently (since I’ve gotten this Whoop Strap) I’ve been able to find fulfillment in crushing fitness goals. Burn a certain amount of calories before I leave the gym, get my heart rate above a certain level for a certain period of time, win a game of pickup basketball. I stayed at the gym an hour and a half later than I planned the other night because I refused to leave before my team won a game of basketball. The gym was packed so if you lost you were waiting 30 minutes before you got back on. We lost our first game. I went and lifted. We lost our second game. I went and did abs. We lost our third game. I went and stretched in the sauna. Finally, in our 4th game, we won. When you win you stay on and we won a couple in a row so I ended up being at the gym for over 3 hours. It didn’t matter. I left feeling fulfilled. Think about what freedom and fulfillment mean to you, and work like hell for them.
3. Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins
– Get the audiobook. Now. I know I talked about Goggins a lot but everything I’ve said still doesn’t do this book justice. The cool thing about the audiobook too is that it’s like an extended cut of the actual book. They narrate a chapter then Goggins does commentary recapping the chapter and stories he tells in it. It’s like an audiobook and podcast all in one. Download it today.
Photo by Svyatoslav Romanov on Unsplash
4. Sauna Stretching
I’ve never done hot yoga, but now I know what all the craze is about. I’ve always been a fan of the sauna, but recently I started doing stretching routine while in there after my workouts, and DAMN does it feel good. After being in there and breaking a sweat I get into a stretching routine and something about being in the heat, you can physically feel your muscles stretching. I was never a big fan of stretching growing up, but after getting injured in college I learned the hard way how important it is. Now I’m even learning the benefits of stretching on your workouts, it helps your body recover faster. If your gym has a sauna, start doing some stretches in there after your workouts, your body will thank you!
5. Bandz Headwear
Whether you’re a guy or girl headbands are in style right now in the gym. A buddy of mine from high school who’s been big in the fitness industry the last couple years just started a company called Bandz Headwear. If you’re even remotely interested in checking out headbands browse their website they’ve got 10 pages full of cool dry-fit designs. https://www.bandzwear.co

Have a great weekend guys!!