Here’s this week’s 5 dollar holler
1. Take the Stairs by Rory Vaden
Rory is going to be our keynote speaker at Keys in Vegas this year. His book “Take the Stairs” walks through the mindset and habits successful people have and create. Great information, tons of morning meetings, leaders meetings, everything for you and your business. Check it out!
Photo by Lindsay Henwood on Unsplash
2. Jocko Willink
I think a lot of people liked some of the Goggins’ stuff last week, and if you did check out Jocko. Another military guy with some awesome books, speeches, and podcasts. I was reading his book Discipline Equals Freedom and realized I’m a giant wuss when he starts talking about controlling the controllable, I was like “Oh cool! We talk about that!” Then he proceeded to talk about how on the battlefield you can’t control the enemy’s artillery fire so worrying about it’s useless, sometimes you just have to put your head down and march, focus on what you can control even if it’s raining metal. It was one of those “Yeah I’ll never complain about the field again” type moments.

3. Learn sales from kids
Kids are masters of sales. Don’t believe me? Watch them ask their parents for ice cream. Parents say no. The kid’s got 3 good reasons why they deserve it. Still no. 3 more reasons. Then 3 more. Then 3 more. Then all of a sudden the kid’s eating ice cream. He’s a master at overturning objections without taking a single class. That kid wants that f**king ice cream and it doesn’t matter what objection he gets it rolls right off and he’s back to explain why he should get it. Learn from that kid.

Photo by Anton Darius | @theSollers on Unsplash
4. 2020 goals
Great leaders plan ahead. Get ahead of the crowd. Start thinking about your goals for next year, and next decade! They’ll be here sooner than you think!
Looking to get ahead in 2020?! Join our fast-growing team.We’re a goal-oriented team and we’re hiring! Click Here

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash